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The Prognosis System

Innovative Energy Optimization and Monitoring System for Businesses

Remote energy monitoring system

The remote reading system allows continuous monitoring of energy consumption, costs and energy parameters online, working with most metering systems accepted by Energy Distribution System Operators in Poland.

Optimization of distribution agreements

The Prognosis system automatically selects the best distribution parameters on a monthly basis, enabling simulation of changes and presenting potential savings. In this way, we provide our customers with significant cost reductions.

Full control of energy invoices

The system allows us to control the settings of measuring systems and current settlements with Distribution System Operators, thanks to which we are often able to obtain billing corrections also for past periods.
Why choose the Prognosis system

Increase energy efficiency and save costs

The Prognosis system is the key to energy management, offering control over billing and identification of savings. It automatically adjusts distribution parameters, reducing costs.

More than just a tool, Prognosis is a team of experienced professionals who not only help reduce energy expenses, but also increase energy awareness.

Learn how our system can help your company manage energy consumption and reduce costs

Contract for success

Success fee
  • Verification of energy invoices
  • Connection of Prognosis Box
  • Analysis of data and meter configuration
  • Report with recommendations and savings
  • Update of distribution parameters
  • Round-the-clock monitoring and Virtual
  • Electrician
Get in touch

Subscription agreement

Fixed fee
  • Connection of Prognosis Box devices to all ECPs
  • Reading of historical data, verification of correctness of energy meter configuration
  • 24-hour monitoring, the function of the Virtual Energy Manager, who watches over energy security
Get in touch
comparison of cooperation options

Models of collaboration

With Prognosis you have two paths: Success Agreement (success fee), where you pay for the savings you achieve, and Subscription Agreement (fixed fee), which offers a fixed fee for ongoing monitoring. Choose the model that fits your needs.

Współpraca z Prognosis
the prognosis system

Features of the Prognosis System

Learn about the key features of our system that provide comprehensive control over energy consumption.

24h monitoring

Historical data reading

Energy meter configuration audit

Detailed reports

Cost management

Automatic selection of optimal parameters

History of Prognosis


Grand prize in the Anita Borg competition organized by Google.

Warsaw - 2015

Ranking of "Kurier Poranny" and The Federation Council of Scientific and Technical Associations – Chief Technical Organization in the category Services/Micro Company

Bialystok - 2019

Ranking of "Kurier Poranny" and The Federation Council of Scientific and Technical Associations – Chief Technical Organization in the category Young Dynamic

Bialystok - 2019

For Achievements in Implementing Eco-Energy Solutions and Technologies, Green Phoenix A.D..

Opole - 2020

Włócznia Jaćwingów

Suwalki - 2020

CBRE - Innovation of the Year in the category of Creating Best Value/Savings

Warsaw - 2022

Best Frontier Technology Company of the Year 2023

Suwalki - 2023


Our customers

Check out the extensive network of satisfied customers. Each highlighted point reflects a history of successful cooperation and mutual trust, spread across different locations. Discover how our services bring people and businesses together to find the best solutions.

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